Al-Anon Outreach Activities

We continue to present Al-Anon to the residents at Norris Clinic on Monday nights at 6:00. The Recovery center has purchased 10 copies of How Al-Anon Works for the use of the residents. There are two Al-Anon members who go weekly on rotation.

The new Beginner Meeting is attracting many members including the “old timers” who add so much to the welcome and recovery of the newcomers. The Syracuse and Buffalo websites have included our Beginner meeting and several new members have joined us.

Our latest project is reaching out to libraries and providing Al-Anon books for their shelves. Several Al-Anon groups have financed the book distribution and one library has paid for the books itself. We continue to encourage our groups to adopt a library and help carry the message.

We continue sending volunteers to Pre-Trial and Jennifer House to introduce Al-Anon to their members. We also continue contacting Recovery centers and encourage them to include us in their family meetings. The COVID pandemic has stopped us from sharing our literature with them but with the opening of some facilities we may again gain entrance to share Al-Anon through speakers and literature.

If you are interested in “carrying the message” with us please join us at one of our meetings, held every other month on the 3rd Wednesday at 6 pm.
They will be held electronically on zoom:
Meeting ID: 813 1311 4542 Passcode: outreach
Wed, Jan 15th – 6 pm
Wed, Mar 19th – 6 pm
Wed, May 21st – 6 pm
Wed, July 16th – 6 pm
Wed, Sept 17th – 6 pm
Wed, Nov 19th – 6 pm
Or phone the AIS office at 288-0540 and leave your name and phone number.
We’ll call you back.

Groups we have worked with:

  • Westfall Chemical dependency
  • Pretrial Services
  • Jennifer House
  • FLACRA – Finger Lakes Agency
  • Health Fairs at local colleges
  • Women’s Health Fair
  • Homeless Outreach
  • Rochester Regional-Health Fair for Recovery
  • Monroe County Office of Mental Health Substance Use Planning


Outreach to churches or locations where Al-Anon programs are meeting, asking them to include an item in their bulletin explaining our program and stating the time and date.

Forming Outreach Outposts with Al-Anon groups. The goal being to have the groups participate in outreach by contacting local agencies/schools with materials explaining Al-Anon.

The Outreach Committee has begun to collect names for a Speaker Bureau to be used for Group Anniversaries, meetings or held in reserve for speaking events for professionals after the Covid-19 virus ends. If interested in being on the list please email Dennis at

Digital information from Al-Anon World Service Office (WSO)

WSO Guidelines helpful for Public Outreach
Area Public Outreach Coordinator (G‑38) Revised: 2022
Public Outreach Service (G‑10) Revised: 2022
Public Outreach to Professionals (G‑29) Revised: 2003
Public Outreach to Institutions (G‑9) Revised: 2017
Services in Correctional Facilities (G‑14) Revised: 2002
Al-Anon 2022-2025 Service Manual (online version)
Service manual – pdf version
Click here for the complete list of Guidelines on the WSO website

Thank you for helping Al-Anon promote healthy thinking and serenity.

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